Submittable Sign In

Sign in with your Virginia Tech email address to submit to these forms.

  1. Click the Submit button to start a submission.
  2. Click the Have an Account? Sign In button.
  3. Enter your Virginia Tech email address. Click the Sign In button. Submittable will use the VT login service to authenticate with your PID. You cannot sign in with an alias email address.

We will follow-up with you about your submission by email.

submit your individual account info

Faculty and Staff are asked to submit budget requests around:

  • Faculty or Staff operations - course needs, professional development, individual office supplies/equipment needs, travel, etc.
  • Program Needs - Larger in scope for example Undergraduate Programs, Graduate Programs, etc. 

All submissions will be aggregated and presented to the HNFE director in the Spring of 2024.   Budgets will be established in July 2024 (or as VT and CALS budget information becomes readily available).

Each unit should prepare an updated hiring plan proposal as a three-year plan of ‘tenure-track faculty’ and (or) ‘collegiate faculty’ searches you would propose to initiate over the next three years if resources were available.  Include searches you propose to initiate as a result of vacancies created by recent departures and anticipated departures (e.g., resignations and retirements), searches you would initiate in order to ‘grow’ your unit in strategic directions, and searches that may align well with current and potential priorities (e.g., university frontier areas and destination areas, college strategic plan, CAIA, VCE program priorities, or other initiatives).

In preparing your plans, please recognize that we anticipate very limited resources to create new faculty salary lines, so most of the allocations will be from faculty lines that become vacant due to retirements and resignations. If there is an opportunity to create a new faculty salary line through reallocation of funds within your unit, then please let us know.  

We value proposals that promote interdisciplinary collaboration among departments and ARECs, reflect commitment to integration and enhancement of our missions, increase global engagement and impact, and address college focus areas.

Ends on

Each department, AREC, District, and Administrative unit should use this process to submit any critical needs requests for budget for FY 2026.

Examples of eligible submissions include, but are not limited to:

  • One-time operating budget requests
  • Seed funding for initiatives.
  • Equipment and renovations.
  • Funding for new non-tenure track positions including instructors, extension specialists, research associates, A/P faculty(non-agent), and staff.   

Submissions must be posted in order to be considered by the Dean and Associate Deans for funding.

Please include as much detail as possible since this documentation will serve as the decision tool for the Dean and Associate Deans.   

Please note that you do not need to request items that have previously been obligated for multiple fiscal years.  

Each district should prepare an updated hiring plan proposal as a multi-year plan of extension agent and/or area agent searches you would propose to initiate if resources were available.  

Include searches you propose to initiate as a result of vacancies created by recent departures and anticipated departures (e.g., resignations and retirements), searches you would initiate in order to ‘grow’ your unit in strategic directions, and searches that may align well with current and potential priorities. 

In preparing your plans, please recognize that we anticipate very limited resources to create new agent salary lines, so most of the allocations will be from faculty lines that become vacant due to retirements and resignations. 

We value proposals that promote interdisciplinary collaboration with departments and ARECs, reflect commitment to integration and enhancement of our missions, increase global engagement and impact, and address strategic priorities established by both the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Virginia Cooperative Extension.

Use this online form to submit a request to add, change, or delete your status as a department head, finance final reviewer, or Business/Fiscal Contact.

  • Department Head - This is the senior administrative leader of your organization who is ultimately accountable for the department.
  • Finance Final Reviewer - This role allows for a proxy to review and approve certain items like fiscal reconciliation.  This cannot be the business/fiscal person in the department and should be an individual who sits at either an assistant or associate department head level or is in another senior role that is temporarily backing up the department head. 
  • Finance Intermediate Reviewer - This option should only be selected if you have discussed with CALS Finance prior to submitting.  
  • Business/Fiscal Contact - Up to two fiscal contacts can be named for each org.  This individual will be the primary contact for fiscal matters in your unit and is typically responsible for completing the monthly reconciliation for the department head or final reviewer's approval. 
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences